Thank you for your interest in employment with Bookworm Computing!
We are seeking contract programmers, PHP/CGI scripters, and web/graphics designers with portfolios that we may better support our existing customer base, as well as our steady stream of new customer inquiries.
Please fill out as many of the following fields as you can. Only the "email address" field is mandatory, but "City" and "Occupation" are strongly encouraged. Upon receipt of your application we will contact you with an email address of ours to be used for future correspondence and documentation. We have no gender, racial, nor age bias for hiring, but we are heavily biased in favor of those with ability and drive.
Bookworm Computing is also looking to hire and/or train general PC technicians, network and telephone wiring technicians, and server administrators. Much of this technical and administrative work will be contract. The training may or may not be paid, depending on whether the customer is being charged for the trainee's time.
Thank you for applying for employment with Bookworm Computing. We look forward to contacting you directly.